Why a Six Month Anniversary?

Three people became very close on 9/11, a Canadian, an American, and myself, a Canadian. It was an event that there are no words for; you could call it a tragedy, a disaster, an act of terrorism, evil, horrific... It was more than that, it was a tear in the fabric of space and time, it was the pain of God in the act of creation. It was an opening to infinity; it was a door to another level that humanity could achieve.

The Death of an individual is one of those events, which bring together people who shared in the experience of this person, and there is a brief solidarity of humanity sensed by all. The Death of 3000 people multiplied by family and friends is a massive emotional outpouring that was shared by every human being who, one way or another, heard the news, with the exception of twisted fanatics like bin Laden.

I watched, and read to see which way this step in human development would progress, and after the initial shock there were encouraging movements to try and grasp an awareness of why! Why is a question that unfortunately creates a vacuum and is filled all too quickly by opportunists with their agendas and exploit events to their purposes, which in all cases is power, and the media is their tool.

It is natural that Americans, or for any country who would be victims to such an attack, will respond with shock, then fear, and blinding rage and we all shared that too with you. But there were many foreign nationals that were killed too. This was a time that people needed leadership, and the leadership that the people mandated last year, decided that this "act of war" would be responded to with "all means necessary". The courts of International Law could not turn their wheels of justice fast enough to counter terrorism, although terrorism has been a fact for decades!

But it would have been helpful if you had been better able to see outside of yourselves more, and not rely on CNN, etc. as the 'best' definitive source of news. The news media were issued guidelines as to what the Government felt was in the 'best interest of the American people' and for the rest of the world for that matter. Americans are no different than everyone else in the 'free world'; that most of us would rather hide our heads in a bucket of shit than have the courage to face what's really happening.

There are other points of view to what's happening, and for english speaking people, the best source is the BBC.


And if you want some eye opening insights into contemporary Political Economics see John Pilger, an Australian journalist


Or, AlterNet


Or disinformation


So what I'd like to ask you all, is Why do you need an anniversary after 6 months? I've never heard of such an extraordinary thing! 12 months, yes! Decade, yes! 50th, yes! 75th, yes! 100th...
What was the point of keeping the bloody wound open.

That is what I wonder...

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