And Satan commanded his captain, bin Laden
To crawl on his belly and come down before him.
"My servant you've failed me, the time has not come
To show them your arrogance and hatred and them.
You've denied me my weapons of ignorance and pride,
And the lies and deceit that I carefully hide,
The demons of fear and prejudice have made
The Mideast my target and now that may fade!
You allowed a fracture of infinite grace
To come between me and my rightful place!
With Hitler I succeeded in twisting his mind
But failed in the end to destroy his own kind.
But I thought, you my son, whom I had so much faith,
Had the cunning of evil and knew how to wait
While the devils of greed did their work on rich
And the resentment of the poor burned like hot pitch.
Begone to your lair until I call you again
When your flesh and your blood, Death will reclaim.
And know in your heart, and your mind, and your soul
That you will be my standard impaled on my pole!
September eleventh, two thousand and one,
New York was alive another day had begun,
And so indestructable yet they were not forewarned
That the membrane of time and space would be torn!
In a matter of hours the world had been stunned
By a handfull of men that the nations had shunned.
Three monuments to wealth and power were dust
To whom do they turn, to whom would they trust?
The leaders cry vengeance, an eye for an eye.
We will hunt down these 'cowards' and see that they die.
We'll do this in the name of those innocent slain
And we'll come back with bombs again and again!
But louder and louder the voices will cry
Of the spirits of loved ones, "Is this why I died?
Will we be your sacrifice to the demons of hate?
Understand what this is before it's too late!"
A power was set loose through that crack in the sky.
A power so profound it cannot be described,
But this is our last chance to open our minds
To recognise the folly that has plagued mankind.
Greyzone - Sept. 30/01
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