A year to this day, and Satan is pleased,
Before him, in fear, bin Laden on knees.
"My Captain, you slut, you have bought yourself time,
Events are unfolding, the cards dealt are mine."
"It has been just too easy to slam shut the door
That God had opened to show there is more
Than ignorance, hatred, greed, and mistrust,
But I played you well, and now we have Bush!"
"It is he who's my pawn, the silly proud fool,
Who can be lead by his vanity, a most deceiving tool.
Spoiled pup of his Pappy's, who lusts after power,
And was planning his ascension when you struck the tower."
"Now isn't it too just, that he's Commander-in-Chief?
And it is the sweetest of ironies that he won his seat
In Jeb's state of Florida, 'The Terrorist State',
And Cheney, and Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz his mates!"
"But we must not rely solely on him,
Another desperate soul, I use at my whim,
Who has delusions of empire, Britain's Tony Blair,
That was kindled by Thatcher in the Argentinean War."
"With Bush, he was first at Kuwait and Afgan
And is begging for Iraq, and then for Iran.
This has never been so simple since long ago,
When Duke Ferdinand was shot in Sarajevo!"
"But these victories are cheap, and I have my misgivings,
That I rely on cowards and their transparent deceivings,
Who bankrupt their people before war is won,
And Allah can set back, or avoid Armageddon."
September eleventh, two thousand and two,
The armies are marching, Christian, Moslem, and Jew.
New York is a spectacle of bagpipe and drum.
Will they still cry "Vengeance!" from mansion and slum?
Or can you still hear the voices demanding inside,
Of the spirits of loved ones, "Is this why I died?
Will we be your sacrifice to the demons of hate?
Understand what this is before it's too late!"
Satan is not perfect, and knows this well,
And plays the 'endgame' from his throne in Hell,
And there is still a chance God will call
"Aces and deuces, the winner take all."
Greyzone - Sept. 11/02