Darknight Ripening Beauty! 

Once darkness sheets the sky with a ripening beauty. 
There I set in silence beneath the most memorized view. 
I stare up all night peering into the depth's of darkness. 
No, matter where I am, I will never miss a shade of befalling darkness beauty. 


My Predicament

In the deepest hour of the night, 
There I am alone standing still in the moment of silence. 
The night is dark, and the sky is blackened. 
I look everywhere and I am blinded by the darkness of the night. 
I look again, but I see nothing in sight. 
I am all alone in this darkened night. 
I should of stayed when I was told, than I wouldn't of got lost in this present moment. 
I told them I know where to go, but they where the ones I should of listened too. 
I look around again, and there is nothing in sight. 
I only start to feel the soft touch of the wind touching my delicate skin. 
I stand alone with nothing to see, but I have the wind howling all around me. 
I start to walk in the blindness of the night, and begin to feel the bushes rub apon my legs. 
I walk and walk and walk and hear the roughing sound of leaves beneath my feet. 
I walk and walk feeling with my hands to guide myself in the right direction. 
I kept myself walking at a steady past until I found light that shined a quater of a mile away. 
I am almost there I said to myself, and the blackness all around myself slowly disappeared 
The light got brighter as I got closer and closer. 
I finally made it to some light and learn to feat my troubled moments from my own predicament times. 


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