Heavy Thanks to The Apocalypse Gang
for making this happen:


Purple Jade aka The Demon's Monkey
for keepin' us all in line (hehe...urrp)


The killer sound dude for which the place
would never be the same


For 'Dirty Deeds....' and knockin'
a few heads around in the pit


DJ Enigma
Whoever you are, for the bloody racket

and finally, to the 100's of noseeums
we hope you come again next year!

Victory Party!!!! ----- Posted 9-9-2001 04:02


A tumble off the table is nothing to Grey in the state he's in. The lampshade is still on his head! His pants are still missing and he's ranting on about them, or the lack of them, all the while watching Lil1 grabbing the punch bowl and heading in the direction of the flaming couch. She can't hear his warning cause DM's giving sh*t to the half comatose DJ and the King is at the max!! Who was to know that Newfie Screech was 120 proof rum and can ignite at just a spark? Well Grey and the locals knew, that's why he was getting all excited, for that and no other reason!

Having doused the couch with the hooch, the longhouse filled up with smoke, only a firce glowing could be seen where the couch should have been. When it cleared the the couch was a ball of flames and the rafters were starting to catch. Jade and Dark were doing the samba to Mellissa, Grey and Lil1 were holding up the DJ who was slumped between them, watching the them in their sad but beautiful latin dance. All around them the flames were leaping higher, the liquor bottles were beginning to explode sending their ignited contents into the night sky like fireworks. It was their greatest moment of glory, their greatest celbration of freedom, the flames amongst a dying society, a sign to the cosomos that intelligent life still survives on this island in deep space!

