09/12: Up here in Thunder Bay, a friend an neighbour has developed a wonderful Halloween website, and was seriously considering not continuing with it. And as it was a source for many of my images, and no doubt 1,000's of others, and mostly because she published a number of my poems, to repay her appreciative encouragement for me to write more, I asked that I might publish 2 of her poems on my 'humble' site. ;-) She has recently decided to continue with her website, and all of us, with possibly the exception of those who wanted to take it over, are pleased that she changed her mind. So to celebrate the occasion, go check out Trips' poetic imagination in My poems section!
OH! And I almost forgot! And there's a poem Kwazi and I did for Trips for Halloween 02!
And one more thing! I have recently joined the ranks of 'free spirits' for a month or so, and then will be auctioning my services to the highest bidder, whoever that might be, and pulling up my tentpegs and heading 'down east' as they say in those parts. It is also described as the 'Maritimes', or even the 'East Coast', but most literally the 'Far East of North America'! Thank God it's not the 'Middle East of North America" like where you might find the likes of Toronto! HAHAHA - big Canuck joke!
02/12: Heartsy, aka Heartsdesire, aka little_one, aka Kung Fu Sprite and totally cool member of The Apocalypse Gang, has stunned the entertainment world by re-creating a sensuous and sexy 'you'd-swear-it-was-Gene-Simmons' rock bassist, not to mention all other manner of man and beast!! "YER KIDDING!" you say. "IT'S TRUE!" I say! I got the pics to prove it! The proof is in the 'codpiece' I say!! You have to see it to believe it - check out the link at the bottom of the page!!
21/08: Are those hunger pains you've got?? Why not turn them into pains af laughter!! Gene's Lick It Up Diner has just produced their menu in full blown colour and descriptive pics of 5l dishes...If they don't send you into orbit then we have a few drinks that will! The link is under the 'Lick' banner. Also I have added a link to my new messageboard which is part of TDM's Great Empire of Messageboards! You'll see that link too.
16/08: "KISS WHAT?" is the best collection of 'original' KISS & related humour this side of Gene Simmons' tongue!! Rated PG, and I apologize in advance if this is offensive to you....ENJOY!! - ROTFLMFAO
04/08: Once again I have been inflicting serious humour at the expense of any and all things KISS, and poking at the soft underbelly of the 'Demon' himself, Gene Simmons! I have decided to gather in one place, brave exploits of many of the skirmishes that I have undertaken on behalf of my fearless leader, TDM. You can find the link, a small pic called "KISS WHAT?"LOL
04/06: Well I know you didn't miss me, but I have been grappelling with the monster known as KISS!!! The Demon's Monkey has ordered her loyal forces, TheDarkone and Heartsy and me, to infiltrate and subvert the status quo. I am proud to report that we have gathered more recruits and have mounted a covert operation called Gene's LICK IT UP Diner! (see link below, you can't miss it) We are inflicting pains of laughter and subtle suterfuge... LMAO
14/04: For April I decided to rename two poems, the pair that were originally, "Untitled" and "Untitled #2", were a little too..... ummm, boring. So for a little excitment they are now titled, "The Psychosis", and "Caligostro's Illusion". You know who you are.... muahahaha
24/03: March is almost over and the Groundhog let me down and so did the geese!! What next, flying monkeys!!! God save us! Bloody cold... }-[ It's been a while since the last update so I have added a rant that I wrote on March 11th called, "Why a Sixth Month Anniversary?" It's with the "Anatomy of Power".
02/03: It's March!! Spring is definitely on the way, I saw the Geese flying today! Also wrote a new poem today, for a new friend!
31/01: HAPPY GROUNDHOG DAY - 02/02/02!! A poem for this auspicious occaision called. Groundhog Day!
29/01: It's 3 minutes to
midnight and counting down to Groundhog Day! To honour the
forthcoming occasion, I have added another Radio Station to the conglomerate, Classicgrey!
Bach, Albinoni,
Bach, Bach.... oh did I mention Bach? Oh yes and Purcell,Teleman,Vivaldi,
Henry VIII, and lots of very cool comps!
27/01: Well hey there! Did you think I was abducted by aliens, or my God, even worse? I'll have you know I've been doing terrible things with The Demon's Monkey and saving the planet (yes, this one) against the evil machinations of Doktor Death!! Speaking of saving the planet, I have done some more serious work on The Anatomy of Power, I have added some very informative links about "Globalization" and "The New World Order" that look behind the limited news that is being either 'sanitized' or worse, supressed! So if you'd rather keep your head in a bucket of shit'til it hits the fan, or look it straight in the face with eyes wide open, the choice is yours...
07/01: 2 new poems today, titled, "Untitled" & "Untitled#2"
03/01: I have also archived all the updates from 2001 to this URL for all you detail freaks!
16/01: A new poem to celebrate the season of celebrations called, "Standing-Still-Sun - (Solstice: 8:21 am EST. Dec.21/01).
11/01: The rumour about Kwazi's
internet radio station IS TRUE!! It went "on
air" last night after midnight while all of us were sleeping
at the switch. You won't believe your ears! Tune in at:
Midnight Madness - The Darkside! Warning! It could be addictive!!
09/12: Kwazi has just published his new song, "In The Way You Look At Me" in GZ's Famous poems! It is sooo cool!! There are rumours as well that he is getting his own internet radio station! Not only that, he has a new contest on the the "All Year Virtual Halloween Party called "Kwazi's Krazy Kontest"!! CHECK IT OUT!! You could win IMMORTALITY or a copy of his new song! I twisted Kwazi's arm for a Bravenet Guestbook, so let us know what you think.
07/12: Sorry about Kwazi's Guestbook, it was beginning to look like the dog's breakfast, so he's scuttling off to find another one. On another front, a little more serious this time, Monkey and Dark have been pestering me to reveal my 'quiet project', which to this point has been lying around the house on various floppies. I have just finished a draft of the Introduction of The Anatomy of Power. I hope to bring together all my net searching and organize it into a coherent rant against abuse of power. Have a read, let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions, I'll soon add an area for feedback.
05/12: I just put up a sorta guestbook with lotsa questions. Look for: I don't care who you think you are, tell me what you think! Please excuse the aggro, but Kwazi made me do it. He got all excited and wanted to be the first to be his l'il obnoxious self, so he dictated it all to me! A newsletter coming soon! OK! So I didn't go to bed, The Newsletter, News from the Fog, is up!
03/12: It's all still workin real fine! Last night I put together mind moshin, brain bashin, and for you kiddies who are doin damage to your brains from the outside (which is better than from the inside), here's some furious headbangin!! #4 station, Greymetal is up!!!
01/12: I gotta admit, I have been having trouble downloading the music from and was getting mighty pissed! I gave them shit twice, but as it turns out it was not their prob, but they were still too vague and I had to bugger around and find the soulution! Answer?The problem was with RealPlayer so if you're having problems 'connecting with server'. Solution? download Winamp!
More big news today, or it could have been yesterday! Sometime during the wee hours here in the East, KNAC.COM was reborn! This 'rebirth' was right on the heels of George Harrison's death. A metaphysical connection, no doubt. Anyway A GREAT BIG MIDDLE FINGER TO ROB J AND FUCK EM ALL!! (Congratulations Rob for holding on to spirit of chaos!) - gz
23/11: Got some hot rockin vocals on GREYROCKS tonight! Make ya wanna bounce right off yer butt!
22/11: Finally got a little rock up now on station #3, GREYROCKS! It's mosly instrumental but I'm workin on it!
19/11: Station #2, GREYWORLD, is up a couple of days ago and will be finishing adding some more tracks tonight. Also added a King Diamond track above. Hmmmmmm....what'll the next station feature?
14/11: Internet Radio history has just been made!! GREYZONE HAS JUST ADDED HIS FIRST OF MANY RADIO STATIONS!! >}-) Clear Channel beware! Your ratings are about to become DEAD MEAT! >}-)
12/11: Last night I fished a whole whack of mp3's off to scatter around but I now found it don't work like that anymore! So instead you can set up yer own 'radio'! Well I'm workin on it....
11/11: As you can see, for starters, I'm updating my main page here.I've also brought over some writing I did on the Monkey's site called "Yet Another Big Fish Story!" I'm now in the process of adding 'real audio' tracks mentioned above which I will be putting around and about the various sections.
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